Poison in the Field: A Reflection on Toxic Leadership

… As I’ve gotten older, joined the workforce, had a kid, I’ve come to realize that my Grandmother was right about most things. As if to underscore the point, I recently learned that indeed, tomato plants do not like a black walnut tree. In fact, it kills them…read more


On Design: The Woodpecker Pecks, but the Hole Does Not Appear

I’ve always loved old barns, their sides gap-toothed with rot. Sometimes one corner’s collapsed. I particularly love when masses of vines grip a wall as if they mean to pull its loft back to earth. I guess it’s something about the full-circle-ness …read more 


Love in the Time of Corona

And now we're alone in this handful of rooms
With our first born and a mess
Of animals—most of which we planned,
And had names lined up like canned
Vegetables in our pantry–and the best
We can hope for now is to outlast …read more


Picked in May of ‘21

We buried you in polka dots
On that bright hill that overlooks the grove without cares.
And we carried you four-a-side and placed you right beside your beloved,
Just as you asked, and if you …read more


Telling the Right Story: How to Stay Above Water in the Enterprise

Designing for large enterprise companies can be exhausting. With so many moving parts, siloed teams, and tangled lines of communication, you can find yourself treading water in …read more