
Over my career, I’ve found that my work is about much more than just solving problems. It’s about telling good stories and building communities together. It’s about developing the discipline and nurturing individual growth. It’s about identifying meaningful outcomes that help businesses grow the right way, and it’s about hard-nosed rethinking of the processes that get us there. It’s about getting all of the ideas up on the wall and then testing them. And we do all of this so we can understand and meet the needs of humans, where they are, as they are. It’s good, hard work, and it’s brimming with joy.

The case studies below give a sense of that work, but if you want to see what that looks like in depth, let’s talk. I’ve got loads of fun stuff to show you!

Global Dashboard Strategy

Product strategy and design

Evaluating and helping to reset the strategic vision for an underperforming core-to-the-experience dashboard.


Helix Operational Principles

Design Operations to scale decision making

Facilitating a design workshop to help Helix Design System Establish repeatable, scalable, human-centered decision making.

Developing a Career Goals Framework

Design Management& Mentoring

Developing a goal setting framework to help my team set better goals and connect them with more actionable plans to accomplish them.


Rackspace Support

Design workshop Facilitation

Facilitating a design workshop to help Rackspace determine the right strategic path toward a unified platform for Fanatical Support.

Building Team
Culture: Yeehaw

Cross-functional team leadership

Creating a culture-add meeting to buoy morale, increase team resilience, and cement social bonds by celebrating together.